Celebrate Synodality
By Ellen Hughes
Artist Statement
The largest flower represents the synod gathering in Rome-- 1 Pope (white petal), priests religious and lay men (red petals), 54 Cardinals (orange petals), and for the first time in synod history 54 women (yellow petals). The other flowers represent you and me (the whole church) learning about and practicing synodality. The edges are unfinished to represent how becoming a listening church is a process not a one time event-- The synodal garden is meant to grow!
About the Artist
I am a mom, artist, homesteader, and a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC), who finds inspiration in the beauty of the earth, everyday rituals, family, and spirituality. I studied painting and sculpture, earning a BFA at Xavier University in Cincinnati, OH, and then a Masters of Art Therapy Counseling (MA) at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville. I am working with my husband, Shane, to restore an old farmhouse and revive the land outside of St. Louis, Missouri in the Ozark foothills. I love each day on the homestead with our kids, Francis and Jonah, as well as our flock of chickens and bees. I also love walking alongside others– especially those who have experienced domestic violence or economic poverty– in a creative healing process.