Meet NYC-based Artist M.J. O’Toole

M.J. O’Toole is an NYC-based photographer, focusing on portraiture, fashion, street, and events. He is also a film critic with Hammer to Nail. He earned his master’s in digital photography from the School of Visual Arts. You can see M.J.’s work at his website.

CATHOLIC ARTIST CONNECTION: What brought you to NYC, and where did you come from?

M.J. O’TOOLE: I'm a born & bred New Yorker! I'm a first-generation American born to Irish immigrant parents who moved here in the ’80s.

How do understand your vocation as a Catholic artist? Do you call yourself a Catholic artist?

I do consider myself an artist who is Catholic and my faith is important to me, but my work doesn't necessarily revolve around my faith. As a portrait photographer, I want to capture diverse lives in a way that embraces not just Catholicism, but also the essence of life in general.

Where have you found support among your fellow artists for your Catholic faith?

That would have to be Arthouse2B. It's a Catholic artists group based up in Harlem run by Erin McAtee and Claire Kretzschmar. They provide a very welcoming environment and grant so many opportunities for emerging artists to showcase their work. If they've taught me anything, it's that you should always hold your own work in high regard and be as supportive as you can to your community.

How can the church be more welcoming to artists?

I can only speak from my own point of view and experiences, but I like to be inclusive of everybody from all walks of life because in a sense we're all in this together. We can learn a lot by reaching out to others who may not necessarily share our faith or our beliefs, but still are willing to share their experiences in life.

What is your daily spiritual practice?

I do my own private prayers daily. I always make sure to get mass on Sunday and on holy days of obligation.

What is your daily artistic practice?

Just like AmEx, I never leave home without my camera. Capturing the quirky and colorful lives in this city is something that fills me with joy and a sense of purpose. It's a great way for me to expand my horizons, as a person as much as an artist.

Describe a recent day in which you were most completely living out your vocation as an artist.

I recently purchased a new medium format film camera that seemed before my time, in that it has the rolls of film which of course means that you don't get a do-over, unlike digital. I took it outdoors and fully immersed myself in the challenges that I had not experienced with digital photography. While it was such a different process and more time consuming, I also found it so exciting and fulfilling to learn a new side of the craft. The photos didn't turn out so bad for my first try!


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