Meet: Sara Kreski

SARA KRESKI is an actor and content curator vlogging on YouTube about living in NYC. 


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Catholic Artist Connection (CAC): What brought you to NYC, and where did you come from?

Sara Kreski (SK): I am originally from Omaha, Nebraska, but recently came from Fort Worth, TX, where I graduated from Texas Christian University with a BFA in acting. I came to New York to pursue a career in acting or whatever else God has in store for me. Oddly, New York was not on my list of places to live after I graduated. I visited NYC last march for my senior showcase and God provided in more ways than I ever thought could be possible. By the time I left New York City to finish college, I had housing lined up, a roommate to stay with, an agent, and a heart for NYC!

CAC: Do you call yourself a Catholic artist? What do you see as your personal mission as a Catholic working in the arts?

SK: Yes, I would one hundred percent call myself a Catholic artist. My personal mission is creating art that is glorifying to God and leading people closer to His Kingdom. As an actress and always performing, God is my audience and my number one fan. 

CAC: Where have you found support in the Church for your vocation as an artist?

SK: I have found support in the daily readings that are said at Mass. It is amazing to think about how God has entrusted us with His words and that we have the opportunity to read/pray with them at any given moment. The daily readings at Mass encourage me to bring Christ into my daily life as a theatre performer.

CAC: Where have you found support among your fellow artists for your Catholic faith?

SK: Through CatholicNYC, I have met some amazing friends that are also actresses in the city. We chat about how God is working through our craft and encourage each other when the audition life gets little rough.

CAC: How can the artistic world be more welcoming to artists of faith?

SK: To not have preconceived notions about what they believe and keep an open mind to people who believe in God. 

CAC: Where in NYC do you regularly find spiritual fulfillment?

SK: The Blessed Sacrament, Love and Responsibility talks, Young Adult Mass at Saint Patrick’s Cathedral, and Catholic Charities! I would recommend them all! 

CAC: How have you found or built community as a Catholic artist living in NYC?

SK: Little by little! It is easy to make friends once you put yourself out there and go to the Young Adults Events around the city. Everyone is super welcoming and they want to get to know you! 

CAC: What is your daily spiritual practice?

SK: I love going to daily mass at The Blessed Sacrament. There is always a daily mass or adoration going on almost at every church. This is a great way to start your day focused on the Lord and allowing yourself to be open to His will. It is amazing to see how He provides everyday.

CAC: What is your daily artistic practice, and what are your recommendations to other artists for practicing their craft daily?

SK: If you are a singer, dancer, or actor I would recommending going to class through Steps, Broadway Dance Center,Actors Connection, or Growing Studio. Not only do you get to work on your craft, but also meet other professionals in the business. This world is all about connections and these classes have been a huge help for me!

CAC: Describe a recent day in which you were most completely living out your vocation as an artist. What happened, and what brought you the most joy?

SK: I think the day my friend, who is also a local artist, and I started our vlog (My Bud and Me in NYC). We found a creative outlet that allows us to work on our performance skills while helping out the community around us. Our goal is to try to empower others to live out their dreams while doing it with joy. It has been amazing to see how God has worked through the vlog to bring people closer to Him. 

CAC: You actually live in NYC? How!?

SK: I used StreetEasy to find a place and that worked out beautifully! We ended up looking at over 40 places which was a little but excessive, but my roommate and I found the perfect place for us. I have a great broker that talked us through everything and even lowered our rent. Please reach out if you are looking for one and I would love to give you his information.

I think babysitting is the way to go if you are an actress in the city. I used at first to get my feet on the ground and that led me to so many more connections with families that need help. Also I would highly recommend getting to know your neighbors. My block has a Facebook page where I put out my information for babysitting gigs, and now I get a call every other day with someone looking for help. Also, there is a website called VIP Kids that you can teach English to Chinese kids. This is a great way to earn cash while setting up your own hours. 

CAC: What are your top 3 pieces of advice for Catholic artists moving to NYC?

SK: 1. Keep God as your number one and always make time for Him.

2.  Embrace yourself in the community and your surroundings.

3. Live Joyfully, God’s got you!


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