Stone by Stone

By Claire Hitchins


Verse 1:

Break down the walls
Stone by stone
Just let them fall
Come on lay down your load

Out from the rubble
Rocks become stepping stones
Walking together
We’re church on the road

Refrain 1:

Stones piled up so high
formed borders to keep us apart
No longer block out the horizon
Now our journey together can start

Verse 2:

So go out to the edges
Beyond judgement and fear
To the ones you rejected
God will be waiting there

And we’ll build up table
Instead of a wall
Feed and be filled
there’s enough for all

Refrain 2:

Hearts that once were like stone
Become flesh and blood once again
No longer closed to anyone
Let the love of God break in

(Repeat Verse 1:)


Artist Statement

Throughout the Synod on Synodality, I've been reflecting on the borders and barriers that prevent us from truly journeying together as the People of God. This song gives voice to my hope for transformation: That the energy and resources our church invests in maintaining rigid boundaries may be channelled instead toward God's mission of love and justice in the world. This is a song for singing in community as we reimagine what it means to be church.

About the Artist

Claire Hitchins is called to tend sacred spaces where connection, healing, and justice-making become possible. She is completing her Master’s of Divinity at Vanderbilt Divinity School, where she is widening her imagination around how churches can resist oppressive systems and theologies, and better serve the repair and liberation for which all of creation groans. Claire received her BA in Religious Studies from The University of Virginia in 2013, and served as a Jesuit Volunteer 2015-2016 in Yakima, Washington. In 2015 she recorded a collection of songs for Advent called People, Look East, and in 2016 she released her debut full length album, These Bodies. She weaves music into her ministry and activism wherever possible, leading group singing at church services, retreats, protests and rallies.


The Body of Christ: We All Belong


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