December 22nd, 2024
There’s a moment before a work goes public where I start to get nervous. It can be a newsletter, an article, or really any creative thing. No longer tinkering with the words or the message, I begin to dwell on what it will mean for it to be out there and in the world. For as often as I stare blankly at a Google doc, I tend to feel more at home in the mode of making.
When we’re nervous or excited or maybe brimming with special knowledge, we do interesting things. In Luke’s telling, we get something funny. Mary sets out “in haste” to a journey that was nearly 100 miles away. When she arrives, we don’t know what it is, but there’s something conspicuous in her greeting. Elizabeth, our wise woman and faithful friend, can hear it. She hears it, and seems to know exactly what to say.
“Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb,” she says. “Blessed are you who believed that what was spoken to you by the Lord would be fulfilled.”
In the story, Elizabeth’s words embolden Mary. I can imagine it might’ve been strange or difficult for Mary to relay her news to another human being. It might have even felt like it was all in her head. But Elizabeth sees her completely. And with that, Mary is able to share the song of herself, immortal words we can still find today, “My soul magnifies the Lord…”
Look what a little encouragement can do. We often see this in our own lives as the people close to us believe in us and our ability to take an idea or word or image and work it to fruition. We light up when someone offers an affirmation. And in life’s big and nerve-wracking moments, the kind words of a friend can make all the difference.
My soul magnifies the Lord—this is what comes next. For today, though, we remember Elizabeth, whose words of encouragement may yet inspire another kind of offering.
Gabriella Wilke is the marketing and audience development director at Commonweal. She lives in central Minnesota with her husband and cat.