December 11th, 2024
Advent is a time of waiting and anticipation for the incarnation of the Lord. It comes during a time of year when darkness arrives earlier, and we require additional light to complete evening tasks. It can be a time of quiet sadness for some and joyful hope for others.
This verse in Isaiah reminds us to raise up our heads and look up to see the Lord and all that he has created and is doing in our lives and world: Lift up your eyes on high and see who has created these things (Is. 40:26). If we take a moment to look up and look around, we will see that the Lord is always with us and waiting for us to look towards him to illuminate the darkness. He is the Light of the World, and these Advent days are short, but they remind us to focus on his coming into our life to be God with us (Emmanuel).
Today’s Gospel from Matthew 11:28-30 is a familiar, yet contrary sounding verse. Jesus invites us to come to him and seek our rest. He states that following him is light, although that is not how it always feels. A yoke is a wooden crosspiece that is fastened over the necks of two animals, often oxen, and attached to the plow or cart that they are to pull. A yoke only works if the two animals support it and work together to accomplish their task. The animals have to lift their heads and move forward in unison. What a fitting connection to the verse in Isaiah and how comforting to think of Jesus helping support the carrying of my burdens. We are never alone, and He is always right there to aid us.
May we ponder the gifts of faith, hope, and love this season in the silence of our hearts, with our friends and family, and with the Lord himself. Amen.
Sara Caporaletti is a visual artist living and working in Maryland. She received her MFA in interdisciplinary fine art from American University in Washington DC. Her multi-media artwork explores various autobiographical elements related to Catholic religious practices or beliefs and makes connections to the human body form. She has participated in artist residency programs and regularly exhibits her artwork in art centers/galleries around the DC/Maryland/Virginia (DMV) area. Caporaletti works at a museum in exhibition and arts administration roles.