Welcome to Inspiration in the Desert

By the solemn forty days of Lent the Church unites herself each year to the mystery of Jesus in the desert.
— Catechism of the Catholic Church

Lent is almost here! Rejoice!

Lent is a season of repentance, a beautiful opportunity to turn back to Jesus and refocus our lives on what matters most: God, the coming of His Kingdom, and the salvation of our eternal souls. During Lent, we recall the 40 days Christ spent wandering in the desert. We also wander and thirst during these 40 days. We wander in search of goodness, often straying off the path. We thirst most of all for Christ’s love and saving grace. But we do not wander alone.

Christ may have been alone in the desert, but He never abandons us. We always have Christ and, although in our darkest moments, we may not realize it, we have each other. The Catholic Artist Connection is a community devoted to easing the sense of loneliness we sometimes feel as people of faith, especially as artists of faith. So this Lent, we will be sharing reflections from Catholic artists on the Lenten journey. As we wander the desert together, we hope these reflections will serve as an inspiration and a guiding light.

We hope you will join us on the path…


Ash Wednesday: A Sudden Retreat