Cecilia Dietzler

Cecilia Dietzler is a visual artist and theologian focused on textiles, mixed media art, and evangelizing through beauty. She grew up in Colorado and continues to be inspired by the natural beauty as well as the vibrant Catholic community that she calls home.  She has her bachelor's in philosophy and theology from Marquette University and her master's in theology from the University of Notre Dame, both of which brought experiences that greatly influenced her art. During her time in graduate school, she was blessed to have the opportunity to learn to pray through the creation of art by taking Iconography classes, learning to spin yarn at the Catholic Worker Farm, and becoming a freelance seamstress for a Catholic clothing label (Litany NYC). By day, Cecilia is an Evangelization Specialist for the Archdiocese of Denver, where she equips RCIA leaders and helps parishes implement evangelization initiatives and intentional accompaniment into their communities. She feels incredibly blessed to be able to allow her work to inform her art and art and prayer inform her work in ministry. 


Chris Vance


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