Meet Michigan-based Artist JM Kraemer

John "JM" Kraemer is a self-described adult fan of LEGO who builds giant parishes of his own design out of LEGO. He lives in Saginaw, Michigan. Visit his Facebook page to see more of his creations!

CATHOLIC ARTIST CONNECTION: Where are you from originally, and what brought you to Saginaw?

JM KRAEMER: I was born and raised in the Saginaw, MI region. After spending several years living in Flushing, MI, I managed to find a way to return to Saginaw. It is a place I know, and I've always felt more at home here. It also allowed me to return to the parish I grew up in.

How do understand your vocation as a Catholic artist?

I am a Catholic artist. I use the Lego Church Project as a way to reach out to the faithful. For well over twenty years now I've been building and displaying my artwork. I pretty much build a giant Catholic parish out of LEGO. This is a time-consuming process that takes me over two months to do start to finish. While it is my own work and design. I'm showing a snapshot of parish life in the bricks that I am working with.

The entire Lego Church Project is a reflection of my view of the faith. I focus on the issues related to those with disabilities, as it is something that I live with daily. My project is also about prayer. As I am working and as I am showing the project. I am praying for all the things that are on my heart and of those who see what I am doing.

No matter what challenge or disability that you are faced with, God can, and will, use your talents in amazing and creative ways. This is something that I live because I have a mild form of cerebral palsy. Yet here I am, a humble builder doing things with LEGO.

Where have you found support in the Church for your vocation as an artist?

Most of the support comes from the few parishes that allows me to display my talents or from the various online platforms that I am on. People who love what I do and can give me encouragement.

Where have you found support among your fellow artists for your Catholic faith?

The majority of the support I have is from the online community. I have a lot of people who support my work, and it has allowed me to expand the overall ministry behind what I am doing. Thank to that support. I've been able to use my art to open doors to some conversations about faith and disability.

Where in Saginaw do you regularly find spiritual fulfillment?

I am an active member with Christ the Good Shepherd Parish as a member of the choir. This is the parish I grew up in.

I also have connections to the Mt. Zion Catholic Community in Flushing, MI.

What is your daily spiritual practice?

I find that spending time daily in prayer, even if it is for a few moments, is very rewarding. I try to pray a Rosary or Divine Mercy Chaplet at least once a day.

Describe a recent day in which you were most completely living out your vocation as an artist.

Over 23 years of doing the project, I have done a few public displays. People come out to see my work and what I'm doing. You see the look reflected in their eyes as they see all the details inside.

The children love what I do because it's LEGO. The adults see a bit of themselves sitting inside.

I've been deeply humbled more than a few times by the reactions people have. I recall one time during Season 20 when I was out at a parish in Bay City, MI, an older woman brought her neighbor out who has severe disabilities. His life was a daily set of challenges. When he saw The Project, his eyes lit up. For that single moment such joy was reflected. The woman thanked me for having The Project out. Such a humbling time for me and it is something that has always stayed with me. Reminders like that of why I push through and do this every year.

How do you financially support yourself as an artist?

I am on disability due to the cerebral palsy. I rely on the kindness of others to help support my work with donations to cover the cost of LEGO. Or people who have been kind enough to donate time to help with displays.

What are your top pieces of advice for Catholic artists post-graduation?

Prayer. Surrender. Patience. Spend time in prayer seeking the wisdom of the Holy Spirit on which direction God wants you to take. Surrender your worries, your fears, and your frustrations to God. You are doing the Lord's work with your art. Be patient. God's timing is not always our own. In what we are trying to do. Or when the ideas are just not coming to us.


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