Meet: Laura Mogollon


LAURA MOGOLLON is an NYC-based artist working in drawing, printmaking and vector graphics. 

Catholic Artist Connection (CAC): What brought you to NYC, and where did you come from?

Laura Mogollon (LM): I was living in Connecticut when a friend suggested I look into the possibility of working in NYC.  I was fortunate to have been given hospitality and support by people who did not know me at that time, and who were willing to help a total stranger. I still encounter that same support and openness from many people in NYC (including the Sheen Center) and I try to give back in return. In the meantime I work hard and take it one day at a time. (Thanks to Karen, Sean and Jimmy!)

CAC: Are you a part of any professional artist communities you would recommend?

LM: Every day offers opportunities to meet talented people, as well as to experience art in all its forms. I have not joined any group yet… I guess I’m still a tourist in my new home city.


CAC: What is your daily artistic practice?

LM: If I’m not drawing, I’m researching. I play (with images) and experiment.

CAC: How do you make a living in NYC?


LM: I work, but not just to support myself; I like having responsibilities and a community where I can engage with other New Yorkers.

CAC: How much would you suggest artists moving to NYC budget for their first year?

LM: I am not the best person to ask, as I am quite frugal. It’s a lot of trial and error. I don’t need to have the best cell phone, but I do need to rent studio space.

CAC: What are your top 3 pieces of advice for Catholic artists moving to NYC?

LM: Be open, accepting and hardworking. If I can offer a fourth piece of advice is that one also must be patient.


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