Meet Albany-based Artist Kevin Wilson
Kevin Wilson is a writer based in Albany, New York. His latest book, The Saints I Knew! Exciting “Encounters” With Holiness, is available through Marian Press. Learn more about the book here.
CATHOLIC ARTIST CONNECTION: Where are you from originally, and what brought you to your current city?
KEVIN WILSON: I have lived in New York State my entire life. Although I have traveled domestically often with work.
How do you understand your vocation as a Catholic artist?
I am a late bloomer when it becomes to being called an artist. I have a full-time career in the healthcare industry and began writing a few years ago as a hobby and tribute to my late uncle (who I never knew) killed in action during the Sicilian campaign of World War II. My first work was a World War II young adult historical fiction work titled Sully’s Squad. My intention was to educate the youth about the sacrifices made by those in combat, especially World War II. I was working on the second edition of what I intended to have a series and was not feeling it due to especially the war in the Ukraine. I was in church and began to think about why there is not much discussion about 20th century saints. I began to research, and the first saint I found was Saint Maximillan Kolbe, who gave his life for another man in a concentration camp. There it was: a combat soldier, in the form of a Catholic priest who fought with a rosary, power of prayer and his pen through the worldwide evangelization movement called the Militia of the Immaculata. Therefore, I began writing about the Saints and Blesseds of the 20th and 21st century.
Where have you found support in the Church for your vocation as an artist?
Starting with Marian Press of the Shrine of Divine Mercy in Stockbridge, Mass who were supportive of my book idea and continue to provide support as word about the book spreads. My home parish of All Saints Catholic Church in Albany, NY was supportive of my first work and continued with The Saint I Knew! Exciting “Encounters” with Holiness. I just completed a weekend long book signing before and after each Mass of which I chose to remit the profits to the church for the additional exposure. The Diocese of Albany has been supportive to me and will be extending their support to other Catholic artists to allow access to their goods on the diocesan website.
How can the Church be more welcoming to artists?
As mentioned above the Albany diocese is in process of adding to their website a section for artists–authors, photographers, painters. The Diocese of Albany has a weekly periodical (paper and internet based) titled The Evangelist and they featured a review of my book within a November 14, 2024 edition. I have also seen other stories of artists included.
Where in your city do you regularly find artistic fulfillment?
In church and especially close to the tabernacle. The idea of The Saint I Knew and many of the stories originated while in church during adoration or before or after services. [Also,] through prayers and viewing EWTN as inspiration.
Describe a recent day in which you were most completely living out your vocation as an artist.
At home working within sight of an altar created by my wife. I would again say at Mass and church. I also teach Faith Formation for Confirmation-age students. Given the responsibility, I am not sure if teaching is the correct work but rather perhaps planting a seed. Although I am nervous due to the responsibility prior to each class, I feel satisfied at the end, the Holy Spirit does not let you down when you ask. I work in my daytime job as a healthcare administrator and the daily challenges definitely impact my spiritual fulfillment. I have been able to use writing as an escape from the pressures of running a business.