Meet Connecticut-based Artist AJ Jansen

AJ Jansen is a country singer-songwriter based in Windsor Locks, Connecticut. You can find her on Instagram and her website.

CATHOLIC ARTIST CONNECTION: How do understand your vocation as a Catholic artist?

AJ JANSEN: I am Catholic but my music is mostly secular. I did however write a song entitled "The Greatest Storyteller," which is about Jesus and how he spoke in parables. I receive inspiration through my faith in everyday living. I have worked and met people who have inspired my songs. The way I come to write my songs is definitely guided by the Holy Spirit as I have been writing since the age of 10. I didn't even know I had the gift of songwriting and singing until it became clearer as I got older.

Where have you found support in the Church for your vocation as an artist?

I have been in choirs and have performed as a solo singer in church. I think when someone requests me to sing for a special occasion or Mass, I truly feel honored. I am finding that there is more support for music now especially after Covid. People want to hear music, whether spiritual or secular.

Where have you found support among your fellow artists for your Catholic faith?

I think artists in general have the same goal. We have a gift we want to share and make people feel emotion, so we support each other no matter the music or creativity level.

How can the Church be more welcoming to artists?

Creating more music centered events and groups. Thinking outside the box as far as concerts that are presented. Bringing guest speakers to the church to talk about the journey of their music career and their experiences as an artist.

How can the artistic world be more welcoming to artists of faith?

By broadcasting more shows and concerts that are faith-based and shedding light on these artists in everyday media. I see the shift in movies and how faith is highlighted more in mainstream media. I think it's headed in the right direction.

Where in your city do you regularly find spiritual fulfillment?

I find fulfillment when I attend Mass. Every church has something unique; for example, a statue of Mary that is unforgettable, a fountain that creates a welcoming feel especially during prayer. It could be anything. I invite people to find that one thing that stands out for them. A church rich in music brings people together more often and stronger.

Where in your city do you regularly find artistic fulfillment?

Online music forums, going to local events, participating in writing groups. I get inspired when I'm in the city and in the quiet. I think taking time for yourself and doing a writing weekend for yourself is important. Every state has a retreat place to be able to do that. Also, arts organizations to be part of and if your church does not have music groups, then create one. Start with yourself first.

What are your top 3 pieces of advice for Catholic artists post-graduation?

Be grateful to God, be driven and be yourself.


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